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Absinthe Suissesse Recipe
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Absinthe 1 tsp Creme de Menthe 3 drops Anisette 3 drops Orange Flower Water 1 Egg White Absinthe Suissesse Directions Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Serve Absinthe Suissesse in a Beer...
Absinthe Minded Martini Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Grand Marnier 3 oz Gin Dry Vermouth Orange Peel 1/2 oz Absinthe Absinthe Minded Martini Directions Properly chill 1 cocktail glass. In mixing glass with ice, pour gin and absinthe, and stir. In your cocktail glass, roll 1/2 oz of dry vermouth and...
Absinthe Martini Recipe
Ingredients 1/8 tsp Absinthe 2 oz Gin 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth Absinthe Martini Directions Stir well with ice. Strain into a prechilled cocktail glass. Very pleasant with an onion stuffed olive. Some bartenders pour a soucon of Absinthe into the glass, swirl it around and...
Absinthe Flip Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Absinthe 1/2 oz Cointreau 2 tsp Lemon Juice 1 tsp Sugar 1 tsp Egg 1 cup Nutmeg Absinthe Flip Directions Shake ingredients well with ice. Strain into a prechilled Delmonico glass. Sprinkle nutmeg on top. Serve Absinthe Flip in a Whiskey Sour...
Absinthe Curacao Frappe Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Curacao 1 tsp Lemon Juice 1 slice Orange 2 tsp Orange Juice Absinthe Curacao Frappe Directions Champagne Saucer Serve Absinthe Curacao Frappe in a Beer...
Absinthe Cocktail Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Absinthe 3 dashes Benedictine 2 dashes Bitters 1 oz Water Absinthe Cocktail Directions Shake well with cracked ice. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve Absinthe Cocktail in a Cocktail...