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  • Howard


Big Apple Margarita Recipe

Ingredients 2 oz Tequila 1 oz Apple Liqueur 3/4 oz (fresh) Lemon Juice Big Apple Margarita Directions Shake with ice and strain into a chilled...

Big Apple Recipe

Ingredients 2 oz Vodka 1 tsp Creme de Menthe (Fill to Top) Apple Juice Big Apple Directions Pour vodka into a collins glass over three...

Biffy Cocktail Recipe

Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Gin 1 tbsp Swedish Punsch 1/2 (Juice of) Lemon Biffy Cocktail Directions Shake all ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail...

Bible Belt Recipe

Ingredients 2 oz Southern Comfort 1/2 oz Triple Sec (wedge) Lime 2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix Bible Belt Directions Mix all ingredients, pour over...

Between The Sheets Recipe

Ingredients 1 oz Brandy 1/2 oz Triple Sec 1/2 oz Light Rum Sweet and Sour Mix Between The Sheets Directions Pour cognac, rum and triple...

Between The Cheeks Recipe

Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Brandy 1 oz Triple Sec 1 1/2 oz Dark Rum 1 oz Lime Juice Between The Cheeks Directions Pour the Bacardi...

Better Than Sex Recipe

Ingredients 1/2 oz Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 1/2 oz Coffee Liqueur 1/2 oz Cream Liqueur 1/4 oz Grand Marnier 1/2 oz Cream Better Than Sex Directions...

Betty Paige Recipe

Ingredients 1 tsp Cherry Liqueur 1 oz Gin 1 oz Dry Vermouth 1 oz Cherry Betty Paige Directions Mix the gin and vermouth like you...

Betsy Ross Recipe

Ingredients 2 oz Brandy 1/2 tsp Triple Sec 1 1/2 oz Tawny Port (crushed) Ice Betsy Ross Directions Combine ingredients in a mixing glass half-filled...

Betsy Clear Recipe

Ingredients 1 shot Vodka 1 shot Peach Schnapps (Fill to Top) Sprite Betsy Clear Directions Pour ingredients over ice. Stir. Garnish with an orange wedge....