
Night Skies Over London Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Gin 1 tsp Sloe Gin 1 oz LBV Port 1/4 oz Lime Juice 2 oz Lemonade Night Skies Over London Directions Serve...

Night Light Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz White Rum 1/2 oz Orange Curacao 1 Egg Yolk Night Light Directions Combine all three ingredients in a cocktail shaker half-filled with...

Night Cap Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz White Rum 6 oz (Warm) Milk 1 tsp Powdered Sugar Night Cap Directions Pour the rum into an Irish coffee mug and...

Night and Day Recipe
Ingredients 3 oz Champagne 3/4 oz Cognac 1/2 oz Grand Marnier 1/4 oz Campari Bitters Night and Day Directions Add to a wine goblet half-filled...

Nicolalas Recipe
Ingredients 4 cl Orange Vodka 2 cl Passoa Orange Juice Nicolalas Directions Mix absolut mandrin and passoa in a highball glass. Add ice and fill...

Nicky Finn Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Brandy 1 oz Cointreau 1 dash Pernod 1 oz Lemon Juice Nicky Finn Directions Shake with cracked ice and strain into a...

Nickel Fever Recipe
Ingredients 2/3 oz Southern Comfort 1/2 oz Blue Curacao 2/3 oz Galliano 1 oz Cream 1 oz Orange Juice Nickel Fever Directions Pour the blue...

Nickel Alloy Recipe
Ingredients 2/3 oz Cointreau 1 oz Current Vodka 6 oz (Cold) 7-Up 2 oz Orange Juice Nickel Alloy Directions Pour the Absolut Kurant, Cointreau and...

Nickel Recipe
Ingredients 2/3 oz Midori Melon Liqueur 1 oz Current Vodka 6 oz (Cold) 7-Up 2 oz Orange Juice Nickel Directions Pour the Absolut Kurant, Midori...

Nick at Night Recipe
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Tequila 1 1/2 oz Peach Schnapps 2 oz Cranberry Juice 4 oz Sweet and Sour Mix Nick at Night Directions Pour...