
Tequila Cooler Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Tequila 4 oz Lemon-Lime Soda Tequila Cooler Directions Pour tequila and lemon-lime soda into a highball glass almost filled with ice cubes....

Tequila Collins Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Tequila 1/2 (Juice of) Lemon Club Soda 1 tsp Powdered Sugar Tequila Collins Directions Shake with ice and strain into collins glass....

Tequila Colagallo Recipe
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Tequila 3 pinches Salt 3 oz Lemon 8 oz Coca-Cola Tequila Colagallo Directions Pour lemon juice into glass. Add ice cubes....

Tequila Cocktail Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Tequila 1 slice Lemon 4 dashes Grenadine 1/3 Egg White Tequila Cocktail Directions Shake all ingredients (except lemon slice) with ice and...

Tequila Canyon Recipe
Ingredients 1 1/2 oz Tequila 1/8 oz Triple Sec 4 oz Cranberry Juice 1/4 oz Orange Juice 1/4 oz Pineapple Juice Tequila Canyon Directions Pour...

Tequila Bom-Bom Recipe
Ingredients 2 shots Tequila 2 shots Ginger Ale Tequila Bom-Bom Directions Place a coaster on top, pound on table twice, guzzle it! Serve Tequila Bom-Bom...

Tequila Bay Breeze Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Midori Melon Liqueur 1 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Blue Curacao 1 oz Tequila Rose 3 cubes Ice 1 1/2 oz Orange Juice...

Tennessee Margarita Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Grand Marnier 1 oz Bourbon (Fill to Top) Margarita Mix Tennessee Margarita Directions Pour ingredients into a large rocks glass filled with...

Tender Loving Care Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Tequila 8 oz Cola Tender Loving Care Directions Pour a premium tequila over a handful of crushed ice in a highball glass....

Ten Quidder Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Triple Sec 1 tsp Blue Curacao 1 1/2 oz Gin 1 dash Bitters Ten Quidder Directions In an old-fashioned glass almost filled...