Poire Fantastic Recipe
Ingredients 4 cl Pear Liqueur 10 cl Sprite Poire Fantastic Directions Pour poire au cognac pear liqueur into a highball glass. Add sprite, and ice...
Poinsettia Recipe
Ingredients 1 part Champagne 1 tbsp Grand Marnier 1 part Cranberry Juice Poinsettia Directions Mix the champagne and cranberry juice, then float the Grand Marnier...
Poca-Hola Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Vermouth 3/4 oz Punt e Mes 3/4 oz Lemon Juice 1 bottle (Cold) Cola 3/4 oz Campari Bitters Poca-Hola Directions Funnel the...
PMS Special Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Vodka Grapefruit Juice PMS Special Directions Shake with ice and strain over ice in a cocktail glass. Serve PMS Special in a...
Plenty O’Toole Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Frangelico Hazelnut Liqueur 1 oz Irish Whiskey 1 oz Irish Cream Plenty O’Toole Directions Shake and strain into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters...
Plaza Cocktail Recipe
Ingredients 3/4 oz Gin 3/4 oz Dry Vermouth 3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth 1 (Stick) Pineapple Plaza Cocktail Directions Shake all ingredients (except pineapple stick) with...
Player’s Passion Recipe
Ingredients 4 oz Champagne 2 oz Cognac 2 oz Alize Player’s Passion Directions Pour pre-chilled ingredients in order into a champagne saucer. Stir, and serve....
Platinum Grand Margarita Recipe
Ingredients 1/4 oz Triple Sec 1/4 oz Cointreau 1/4 oz Grand Marnier 1/4 oz Irish Mist 1 1/4 oz Jose Cuervo 1800 1/4 oz (fresh)...
Platinum Blonde Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Grand Marnier 1 oz Gold Rum 3/4 oz Heavy Cream Platinum Blonde Directions Shake and strain into a brandy snifter, and serve....
Platina Blonde Recipe
Ingredients 4 cl Tequila 2 cl Heavy Cream Platina Blonde Directions Pour tequila into a cocktail glass, fill with cream, and stir. Serve Platina Blonde...