
Buccaneer Recipe
Ingredients 1 shot Bacardi Limon Rum 1 can Beer Buccaneer Directions Pour the corona into an 18oz beer glass pour the bacardi limon into the...

Bubbilicous Grape Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 bottle Southern Comfort 1 cup Grape Schnapps 2 liter Grape Soda 1 gal Rainbow Sherbet Bubbilicous Grape Directions Open sherbert and dump the...

Bootneck Recipe
Ingredients Beer 2 oz Dark Rum Bootneck Directions In a pint tankard mug pour a large double shot of Pussers Rum. Top up by pouring...

Boilermaker Recipe
Ingredients 10 oz Beer 2 oz Whiskey Boilermaker Directions Fill shot glass with whiskey. Drop full shot glass into mug o’ beer. Drink immediately, enjoy....

Blue Kool-Aid Punch Recipe
Ingredients 6 oz Smirnoff Raspberry Twist Vodka 6 oz Raspberry Liqueur 1 liter Blue Moon Berry Kool-Aid Blue Kool-Aid Punch Directions Make a liter of...

Blood of the Innocent Recipe
Ingredients 2 oz Vodka Fruit Punch Blood of the Innocent Directions Pour hawaiian punch into a 12 oz highball glass. Take a gulp/mouthful, and fill...

Black Velveteen Recipe
Ingredients Stout 4 oz Hard Cider Black Velveteen Directions Pour both ingredients into a large beer mug, and serve. Serve Black Velveteen in a Beer...

Black Velvet Recipe
Ingredients 5 oz (chilled) Champagne 5 oz (chilled) Stout Black Velvet Directions Pour stout into a champagne flute. Add champagne carefully, so it does not...

Black Fog Recipe
Ingredients 1 shot Raspberry Liqueur 1 can Guinness Stout Black Fog Directions Pour the Chambord in to a mug of Guinness. Swirl slightly to mix....

Black and Brown Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 glass Beer 1/2 glass Guinness Stout Black and Brown Directions CAREFULLY to avoid explosive head formation: Pour Beer glass half full of favorite...