Green Monster Party Punch Recipe
Ingredients 1 bottle Vodka 1 bottle Fruit Juice 3 packages Lime Kool-Aid 1 gal Sherbet 3 pieces Fruits Green Monster Party Punch Directions Mix all...
Apple Cobbler Recipe
Ingredients 1 jigger Apple Schnapps 1 jigger Goldschlager 1 jigger Irish Cream Apple Cobbler Directions Combine ingredients in shot glass. Shoot! Serve Apple Cobbler in...
Great Pumpkin Punch Recipe
Ingredients 1 part Rum 1 part Apple Cider 2 parts Ginger Ale 1 oz Pumpkin Great Pumpkin Punch Directions Serve in a hollowed out pumpkin...
Grapefruit Teaser Recipe
Ingredients 4 oz Coconut Rum 1 splash Lime Juice 10 oz Grapefruit Juice Grapefruit Teaser Directions Combine and stir. Serve Grapefruit Teaser in a Beer...
Apple Cider Slider Recipe
Ingredients 3/4 oz Apple Schnapps 3/4 oz Cinnamon Schnapps 1 oz Spiced Rum 1 splash 7-Up Apple Cider Slider Directions Pour over ice. Shake and...
Anti-Freeze Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Vodka 1/2 oz Creme de Menthe Anti-Freeze Directions Pour above ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice. Shake until ice cold,...
Grandma’s Swingin’ Eggnog Recipe
Ingredients 2 cups Light Rum 6 Egg Yolk 1/2 cup Sugar 2 cups Milk 2 cups Whipping Cream 1 oz Nutmeg Grandma’s Swingin’ Eggnog Directions...
Anaconda Shot Recipe
Ingredients 1/2 oz Bourbon 1/2 oz White Sambuca Anaconda Shot Directions Pour both ingredients in equal parts into a shot glass, and serve. Serve Anaconda...
Good Morning Eggnog Recipe
Ingredients 1 oz Red Wine 1 oz Ruby Port 1 Egg Yolk 3/4 oz Cream 3 oz Milk 1/2 tsp Powdered Sugar 1 pinch Nutmeg...
Golden Salsa Recipe
Ingredients 3 oz Grain Alcohol 6 oz (chilled) Lemonade Golden Salsa Directions Combine both ingredients over crushed ice in a collins glass, and serve. Serve...